Friday, 16 May 2014


Hmm . . . just had a brainwave the other day!

Have you also been struggling with designated, suitable sitting space for small groups? How a bout a giant doughnut? Who feels like trying something new? Make a giant doughnut from bright coloured fleecing on the top, with durable denim on the bottom. Put an insulation like batting in the middle and stuff the sides for sitting area with stuffing! How great is that?

I'm positive it will give a great vibe to any room and provide comfortable sitting space for all the kids, while facing each other in a circle and have game space in the middle! Please try it and let me know if it works!

Maybe you can quote us ons making a few!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Key Ingredients of Christian leadership:

A Christian leader is a humble, God-dependent, team-playing servant of God who is called by God to shepherd, develop, equip and empower a specific group of people to accomplish an agreed-upon vision from God.

·         They are first and foremost, servants of the Lord, and second servants of those they are leading.
·         They are characterized by humility, dependence and team-playing, rather than being a loner or one-man show.
·         Christian leaders are called by God into leadership. They do not decide for themselves to be a leader. Nor are they pushed into leadership by well-meaning supporters, nor do they arise to leadership because no-one else will do it.
·         Christian leaders have at least four major responsibilities:
o   Shepherding – a leader loves and cares for those being led.
o   Developing – a leader helps those being led in their personal walk with Jesus Christ to become fully devoted followers – City Changers.
o   Equipping – a leader trains those being led for ministry.
o   Empowering – a leader inspires, encourages, affirms, believes in and frees up people to serve out of their gifting.
·         Christian leaders are moving toward a specific destination.
·         Christian leaders are creating and sustaining an agreed upon vision. There is an initial buy in and a growing ownership of the vision among those being led.

-Leaders who last by Dave Kraft

ISBN 978-1-77036-955-9